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Complete table of IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) characters

The Most Comprehensive Table on the Internet

Last updated: 2016.

The IPA is an alphabet that is used to write down the pronunciation of any language. Needless to say, there are hundreds of possible sounds if you are really diligent in classifying them. This table is what I believe to be the most comprehensive one available on the Internet, as it shows you all possible sounds that can be represented by the IPA, using both official and inofficial characters as well as diacritics.

Full table of IPA symbols including inofficial characters an diacritics

Click here to open the picture in a new tab

Click here to see the same table in HTML format (for copy/pasting) - it is quite likely that some characters won't be displayed correctly on your device, but nevertheless it may be useful for copy-pasting. If you want all characters to show up you need to install a font such as Gentium Plus on your system.